Wow, it's Setsubun! 節分
It's time to get ready for the Japanese festival of Setsubun. Teachers and students at my school have been getting ready for this festival. It's time to rid the world of evils. Soy beans are hurled at people wearing "Demon" (Oni) masks in order to drive away bad spirits. Read more about Setsubun here: en.wikipedia.org "Oni" 鬼or Japanese traditional ogres/demons: en.wikipedia.org Check out RoninDave's video about Setsubun: www.youtube.com Check out and subscribe to Hikosaemon: www.youtube.com Check out Daichen: www.youtube.com Check out Sydermurphy: www.youtube.com Creative Commons Music: Intro "Incoherent" by Josh Woodward www.jamendo.com

the GazettE - 32口径の拳銃(Bass Cover)
Artist :: the GazettE Title :: 32口径の拳銃Album :: 大日本異端芸者的脳味噌逆回転絶叫音源集Player :: Jharsis

Power Quest - Survive
"Survive" taken from the new Power Quest album "Blood Alliance" - Released 26th January in Japan and March 28th 2011 worldwide. Line-up: Chity Somapala - Vocals Andy Midgley - Guitars Gavin Owen - Guitars Steve Williams - Keyboards Paul Finnie - Bass Rich Smith - Drums

走れ! NEP She☆Stars ライブ 120421
NEP She☆Stars Live ソロフェス 2012/4/21 曲名:走れ!(ももいろクローバーZ) メンバー:山口りほ場所:大阪・日本橋・Love Com Theater

ソフトバンク CM 白戸家 お父さん 指名手配篇 30s×2
■ソフトバンク CM スマホワ vs ビビワリ www.youtube.com ソフトバンク CM 白戸家 お父さん Wi-Fi 「指名手配」&「指名手配 馬」篇