【東方】あああああ - ホーキング博士の宇宙旅行

【東方】あああああ - ホーキング博士の宇宙旅行

日本語でコメントはいいですよ。 ======================================================== Title: ホーキング博士の宇宙旅行Artist: あああああAlbum: 幻相遐域/Woolyclouds Original: 車椅子の未来宇宙 [The Wheelchair's Future in Space] 【ZUN】 ======================================================== Hello, and welcome to this wonderful piece. I didn't have much time today, so I just decided to create this tiny little video. Great piano and arrange from あああああ from that same album as last time. It's an arrange of a song some of you might not recognize. The original is from an album called, "Magical Astronomy", which was an offshoot Touhou music album that ZUN made that's kinda Touhouish, some of the songs in the album being from the games, but some aren't. ^^; A non-Touhou, Touhou album, if you will. The song, being from this album, isn't quite dedicated to a set person, and it is no one's theme. As such, I didn't quite know who to fill the video with, but there is a sort of story dialogue and commentary from ZUN about each song in the album, and this one's goes like this: 「でも、未だに有人火星探査は上手く行かないのよねぇ。ホーキングの頭の中にあった宇宙が、この目で確かめられる日なんて本当に来るのかしら?」 "Yet, the manned Martian probe still hasn't been successful. I wonder if we can witness the universe imagined by Hawking." 「結局、ホーキングを超える物理学者が出てこないのも問題よね」 "But in the end, the problem is that we don't have any physicists that can surprass Hawking ...

BSつかね~。誰か録って~。 RT @AstroArts 【アストロアーツ 星の番組表 6/23(土)】★17:00~17:55 BSフジ ディスカバリーchセレクション ホーキング博士のよくわかる宇宙  

RT @AstroArts: 【アストロアーツ 星の番組表 6/23(土)】★17:00~17:55 BSフジ ディスカバリーchセレクション ホーキング博士のよくわかる宇宙  



6/23(土) ハピM 究極食材 氷菓#9 ズムウェーク めざど ブランチ サタデココ サタブラ はるみ 沖縄全戦没者追悼式 モナコ起業家 アタラシーノ 福沢諭吉中江兆民 MCD ホーキング博士 リアルスコープ 授業 ぶっちぎり ふしぎ 卵子老化 嵐 鋼錬#49 50 先輩 弾丸

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