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Minecraft Over-Engineering Ep3: TNT Cannons

Minecraft Over-Engineering Ep3: TNT Cannons

Minecraft Over-Engineering: Episode 1 - Sand Doors: www.youtube.com Episode 2 - Stone Generators: www.youtube.com Episode 4 - Player Launchers: www.youtube.com My first TNT cannon video: www.youtube.com Chaos cannons based on Etholab's chaos cannon: www.youtube.com Long range cannon based on Pakratt13's "Sheryl": www.youtube.com Screenshot from 15:20 : i47.tinypic.com World Download: www.mediafire.com Note: This world will give you your fair share of expected and unexpected explosions. Some of the cannons are not 100% stable and may explode prematurely. Enjoy! Also, I had to allocate 4Gb of RAM to minecraft to use the final cannon :/ Texture Pack: Faithful 32x32 goo.gl Mods used in this video: Single Player Commands: goo.gl Slow Motion: goo.gl Minema: goo.gl Music: 'Latin Industries' by Kevin MacLeod. Available at: incompetech.com Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" (Free to use commercially with attribution: incompetech.com
RT @HeadBe4SeX: FUCK stress, hαve SEX. . . .LOTS of it lol

sdd de tnt gnt

Killing my pet dogs on #minecraft with TNT because I'm a #heartless bastard.

Al fin estreno hoy de falling skies por TNT

Zo jongens van de TNT zijn weer lekker bezig. Deze week : 3 vermiste poststukken... record

RT @MJsKimKira: I asked for a bigger ass for my birthday....and my Ex showed up!

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