Madou Ou Granzort [魔動王グランゾート] Game Sample -- SuperGrafx

Madou Ou Granzort [魔動王グランゾート] Game Sample -- SuperGrafx

If Madou Ou Granzort or "Magic King Granzort" (which is what it's actually called and what it can be interpreted as when romanized, but it's actual kanji combination strangely does not reflect this, more on this later) looks or reminds you of "Keith Courage in Alpha Zones", then don't be too surprised, as this game shares quite a bit in common with it, conceptually-speaking, though this game doesn't play much like it. Keith Courage was a modified version of "Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru", which was a game based on a popular anime of the same name (the anime was made back in 1988). Directed by Shuuji Iuchi and created by Sunrise, the series went on to spawn three TV series, several video games and OVAs, a few novels, and other associated merchandise. However, it also inspired Bandai to make a franchise along with Sunrise and the help of Shuuji that was quite similar to Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru one year later: Madou Ou Granzort. Sharing a similar theme revolving around science fiction and fantasy, a mostly young cast of characters who operate super robots within a multi-tiered world, and even a pun (and also sort of pseudonym or logical fallacy) hidden within its naming convention where the characters used to represent the first two kanji in MOG mean "Demon" and "Confusion", but are romanized as "Madou" meaning "Magic" (similarly to how the first two kanji for MEW mean "Demon" and "God" but are romanized as "Mashin" which can be interpreted as "Machine"), it is often considered a ...

ライジンオー、グランゾート、マイトガイン、アイアンリーガー、サイバーフォーミュラ、ビーストウォーズ、ダイガード、グラディオン #懐かしいアニメを独り言のようにつぶやく

魔動王グランゾート #懐かしいアニメを独り言のようにつぶやく ホロレチュチュパレロ

SD系統作品 ラムネ&40 グランゾート 魔神英雄伝ワタル メタルな忍者だよ てやんでぃ #懐かしいアニメを独り言のようにつぶやく


@fuyu_sora グランゾートを観てたなら、その前のワタルも知りませんか?(^-^)/

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