Sphere playing comedy in concert

Sphere playing comedy in concert

[background story] We 4 normal girls, Minako, Haruka, Aki and Ayahi took part-time jobs at a concert goods shop at Budokan. Worked hard, and it seems the concert begins soon... ah wait, emergency comes! Today's heroines スフェレ (Sufere/Soo-feh-reh, a mispronunciation of Sphere) have barricaded themselves in the dressing room and aren't coming out for some reason. Emergency of our wages! And then we started to try to take them out from the room by acting various people calling their name. Sphere is a seiyuu unit affiliated with Music Ray'n. Their playing roles in this movie are: Minako Kotobuki - Hoodrum A, Sufere's mother ("Sufere" is treated as a single person in this context) Haruka Tomatsu - Hoodrum B, Sufere's sister Haruka Aki Toyosaki - Yakuza big-sis, Sufere's brother Akio Ayahi Takagaki - Police officer, Sufere's sister Ayahi There are many more small jokes besides these. By the way Akio's voice sounds like Lucky Star's Misao for me, lol.


【定期】スフィア/豊崎愛生/竹達彩奈/花澤香菜/佐藤聡美/アニメ/ボカロ/けいおん!/平沢唯/ニコ動/ゆるゆり/ 愛生ちゃんガチ推し フォローよろしくですー

@ryolnovoicu まじすかー 呑気にスフィア聴いてる場合じゃないな…!

【定期】スフィア*豊崎愛生*高垣彩陽*戸松遥*寿美菜子*竹達彩奈*花澤香菜*井口裕香・・・etc…声優さんが好きな人、フォローお待ちしております。趣味が合いそうな人にはフォロー返しますっ(o´ω`o) RTお願いしますっ!#sphere #toyosakiaki

私が言うMUSIC STATIONに出てほしい歌手…氷室京介、矢沢永吉、LOUDNESS、ANTHEM、GRANRODEO、松本梨香、水樹奈々、竹達彩奈、田村ゆかり、堀江由衣、スフィア、飛蘭、栗林みな実、花澤香菜、infix、FLiP、ねごと、grram、吉川友  他 #Mステ

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