Brainstorm - Lonely Feeling to Be Lonely

Brainstorm - Lonely Feeling to Be Lonely

Lonely feeling to be lonely video by Brainstorm (Latvia)
Get your umbrellas out, cause that's when I brainstorm


RT @SamoaJoe: Made everyone stack the cell phones over dinner, Led to my compatriots having the most inspired brainstorm ever. Technology rots your brain

RT @SamoaJoe: Made everyone stack the cell phones over dinner, Led to my compatriots having the most inspired brainstorm ever. Technology rots your brain

@aoihoshide Paling pendek jg kah? Aku lihat yg making of BRAINSTORM itu. Pada autis semua. Manabu yg diam (>.<)

RT @SamoaJoe: Made everyone stack the cell phones over dinner, Led to my compatriots having the most inspired brainstorm ever. Technology rots your brain

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