Google Chrome: Coffee

Google Chrome: Coffee

A man uses the web to try to win back the one that got away.
laney, grapes, & fire red 5s. playoff, & chrome 8s. bred & he got game 13s.

RT @Javiviz: ¡Ostras! " contiene software malintencionado. Tu ordenador podría infectarse.." Eso me dice el chrome...

RT @ABORRESCENClA: As meninas da minha escola são tão putas que até o google chrome. Beijo pra quem entendeu ;*

@cackhanded Cool! The back and forward gestures in chrome make it feel like an ipad app. ~150 loc to handle fwd/back? you should release it!

Recomiendo que se descarguéis RockMelt esta guay es como google chrome

Abriendo todas las ventanas de Google Chrome porque estoy muriendo de calor.

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